Biography – Pierre Adolphe Valette
Pierre Adolphe Valette was a French Impressionist painter born in Saint-Etienne in 1876. He is know for his urban landscapes of the Manchester area and also French landscapes.
He is also know as L.S.Lowry’s teacher in Manchester Art School. He died in 1942 in Blace en Beaujolais.
Related Artists: L.S.Lowry, Antoine Bouvard and Norman Wilkinson
Pierre Adolphe Valette Oil & Watercolour Paintings Wanted.
If you have pictures to sell please contact the gallery by email, phone 01590 678230 or by using our buying website: www.british-arts.com
Avoid paying up to 50% in auction fees!
Title: Pierre Adolphe Valette self portrait 1922
Medium: Original signed oil painting