Biography – Terrick Williams

John Terrick Williams was a marine and landscape painter in oil and watercolour. He was born in Liverpool in 1860 and studied in Antwerp under Verlat and also in Paris. He travelled widely to Venice, St.Tropez, Paris, Brittany and St.Ives.

Exhibited at:

Nottingham Society of Artists

Royal Academy

Royal Society of British Artists

Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours

Royal Institute of Oil Painters.

Related artists : Norman Wilkinson, Pierre de Clausade & Antoine Bouvard.


John Terrick Williams Paintings Wanted.

If you have pictures to sell please contact the gallery by email, phone 01590 678230 or by using our buying website: www.british-arts.com

Avoid paying up to 50% in auction fees!

Landing Fish - Artist Terrick Williams

Title: Landing Fish
Medium: Original signed oil painting

The Harvest of the Shore 1906 by artist Terrick Williams

Title: The Harvest of the Shore 1906
Medium: Original signed oil painting