Allen William Seaby was a painter and colour woodcut artist.
He studied in Reading and became a Professor at the University of Reading in 1920.
Alan Seaby exhibited from 1904 at :
Beaux Arts Gallery
Fine Art Society
Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts
International Society
Walker Gallery Liverpool
Manchester City Art Gallery
Royal Scottish Academy
Related artists: W.L.Wyllie, Gail Brodholt and Sybil Andrews.
Allen Seaby Woodblock prints and paintings Wanted.
If you have pictures to sell please contact the gallery by email, phone 01590 678230 or by using our buying website:
Avoid paying up to 50% in auction fees!
Title: Kingfisher
Medium: Original signed woodblock print
Title: Flying Ducks
Medium: Original signed woodblock print
Title: Hare
Medium: Original signed woodblock print
Title: Happy Family – Rabbits in a hutch
Medium: Original signed woodblock print
Title: Winter
Medium: Original signed woodblock print
Title: Needles Isle of Wight
Medium: Original signed woodblock print