Biography – Elizabeth Keith
Elizabeth Keith was born in Scotland in 1887 and also lived in London and Tokyo. She was an etcher and wood cut artist. She spent nine years in Japan, China and Korea. She exhibited from 1923-1940.
Keith made around 100 woodblocks prints and over 10 colour etchings. The woodblocks prints are nearly all signed with some being signed in the block.
Exhibited at:
International Society
Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour
Arthur Tooth & Sons Gallery
Related Artists : Sybil Andrews, Cyril Power & Claude Flight.
Elizabeth Keith Paintings and Woodcut Prints Wanted.
If you have pictures to sell please contact the gallery by email, phone 01590 678230 or by using our buying website: www.british-arts.com
Avoid paying up to 50% in auction fees!
Title: “Lama Temple, Peking”
Medium: Original signed woodcut print
Title: “Night Scene Peking”
Medium: Original signed woodcut print